Finding housing

While planning your stay, you need to consider actual living and housing costs! Food, rent, utility and other basic costs in Tartu are around 400-500 EUR per month. Accommodation can be around 350 EUR (with utility costs) or more in a private flat somewhere in the centre and less expensive in the regions more distant from the centre.

Information on rental apartments is available at real estate agencies and on various web portals:

We suggest you to provide the following information in your first email to your real-estate agent:

  • Name and age
  • Where you study or work
  • The number of people that will live in your apartment
  • The number of bedrooms needed
  • Your expectations regarding the furniture (fully furnished or not), maximum cost of rent and utilities, information on parking spaces, pets, etc.
  • Period of the contract

PS! Find useful tips for concluding a lease contract here.

If you are looking for accommodation options other than student dorms or real estate agencies, there are a couple of other options that could interest you.

Try getting in touch with other international students. Some of them have already found accommodation and might be looking for others to share with. Here are some international students and foreigner pages:

Most of the real-estate companies in Tartu offer translated versions of their rental agreements both in Russian and English.

Note that the owner of the premises may require 1 or 2 months’ rent in advance or a deposit upon signing the lease agreement. The tenant can demand repayment of the deposit in case the owner has not informed the tenant of any claims against him within two months after the expiry of the lease contract. Real-estate companies usually charge a fee equivalent to the amount of 1 month’s rent. Please note that the utility costs, as well as telephone and internet connection bills, will usually be added to the advertised rent, unless agreed otherwise. Taxes related to the property are paid by the landlord.

You should keep the property in tact and remove minor defects that you can by light cleaning or maintenance which are in any case necessary for the ordinary usage and preservation of the rented property. You may also ask for offers for cleaning services (for additional cost) from the real estate company.

In order to make any improvements or alterations to the property you need the owner’s written consent. If the value of the property increases because of the alterations, the tenant can ask for compensation. However, it is advisable to agree on the compensation for alterations or improvements in advance. In case you have entered into rental agreement for an unspecified term and the owner wants to raise the rent, they have to inform you 30 days beforehand in written form.

Read more about your rights and obligations from Law of Obligations act.

Electrical Outlets operate at 220 V/ 50 Hz

These real-estate agents from Domus Kinnisvara have given their word to reply within 3 working days: